The "I Love ME More" Spiritual/Herbal Bath is magically charged, infused with Love, and made with the intention to uplift your energy/Spirits from anything that may have weighed you, made you feel sad, or just dampened your energy in general.
This Spiritual Bath will bring upon increased feelings of calmness, self love, and overall happiness. With intention, these herbs will help you attract experiences that make you feel loved and abundant! Everyone around you will be able to see the Love beaming off of your aura. This will give people no choice but want to return the energy. Objects, people, and opportunities vibrating on the same frequency will be naturally attracted to you and vise versa! This is a very powerful bath. Take a Spiritual Bath 1-2 times a week for long lasting effects.
Chamomile, Lavender, Cloves, Roses, Cinnamon, Bay Leaf, Vanilla, Himalayan Salt, and Honey carry the Spirit of Love, Happiness, Abundance, Wealth, Calmness, and Purity! With intention and prayer, these herbs will bring you the experience and feelings that you are asking for.
Aside from the magical aspect of the herbs, this bath can also help calm sore muscles and joints, can fight funguses/infections, and can soften your skin. The honey is a natural humectant which draws moisture into the skin, lavender and cloves are anti-inflammatory, and the tea tree and Epsom salt will leave your body feeling very relaxed!